Agay Barho

Hiring Trends and Insights

How to tailor your resume

Your resume tells a concise story of who you are as a professional, however, a tailored resume helps an employer see how you are a fit for the position. On average, an employer spends 6-10 seconds...

How Agencies Help Non-Tech Professionals Transition into Tech Careers

As a talented professional do you want to step into the Tech field? you can be a part of the amazing journey that is like breaking into an incredible modern open-door opportunity of our generation. In...

The Evolution of Job Application Agencies

The job application agencies have undergone significant changes. The employment companies, that canprovide high-end services to the people, have limited opportunities in terms of recruitment and...

Fantastic Job Applications: Expert Do’s & Don’ts

Is the online version of your job application disappearing? Ever questioned why you never hear back from people? What distinguishes me from the hundreds of applicants? Have you become tired of...

Effective Emotional Intelligence: How to Succeed in Any Interview

Imagine feeling calm, confident, and prepared to answer any questions that may come up during a job interview. How do you get to this state of readiness?  Or Have you ever felt uncomfortable with...

Overcoming Rejection: Coping Strategies and Support Offered by Job Application Agencies

“I believe that rejection is a blessing because it’s the universe’s way of telling you that there’s something better out there. – Michelle Phan” Life without rejections is like...
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